Congregational Structure

Voters' Assembly
The Trinity Voters' Assembly is the ultimate governing body to the congregation.  The Voters' Assembly supervises the establishment and conduct of all the congregation's committees and organizations, approves an annual budget, elects officers and board members, and calls pastors and teachers.  Any confirmed member of the Trinity congregation over the age of 18 may participate.  All boards and special committees report their current activities and discuss their future plans.  This is a great forum to see many of our ministries at work!  This is also a great place to start your service for the Lord!
Church Council
The Church Council administers the annual budget and serves as a planning and coordinating council for the congregation.  The Church Council is made up of the Chairman, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and the chairmen of the Board of Elders, Trustees, Evangelism, Day School Education, Stewardship, Assimilation, Human Care Ministry, Youth, Parish Education, and Family Life Ministries.  The Pastor, DCE, and Principal are non-voting members of the Council.
Please see the church calendar for meeting date and time.
Church Council Members are:
Chairman, Mike Giliano
Recording Secretary, Steve Freese
Treasurer, Bob Bordak
Assistant Treasurer, Keith Wendte
Financial Secretary, Sandra Bulthuis
​Head Trustee, Randy Ball
Board of Day School Education, Beth Ernst
Board of Elders, Mark Winterroth
Board of Evangelism, Pat Cermak
Board of Family Life Ministries, Rob Grady
Board of Human Care Ministry, Deb Hardtke
Board of Parish Education, Cliff Gustafson
Board of Stewardship, Joanne Stastny
Board of Trustees, Randy Ball
Board of Youth Ministry, Rob Grady
New Member Committee, Sue Voelz
Our Mission is "To save the lost and strengthen the saved."
Matthew 28:19 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."