Michael Ersland
We’d like to introduce you to our new international missionary, Michael Ersland, who is with Lutheran Bible Translators.   Michael has been assigned to serve with a translation project in Zambia, southern Africa.  Since he is still in the United States, we hope to have Michael visit soon so everyone can get to meet him.  Here’s a little bit about him.
Michael, the youngest of six children, grew up in several states.  However, he spent most of his childhood in rural Kansas.  His father, a Lutheran pastor, took a call to Oklahoma when Michael entered middle school.
Michael knows the Lord has given a story to each of us.  As we interact with one another and hear the stories of God working in our lives, we can encourage and strengthen one another while pointing and directing the eyes of all to Christ crucified.
During his teenage years, Michael began to be drawn to the international mission field.  This interest drew him to Concordia University Wisconsin’s strong mission program.  His studies and mission related experiences (shadowing a missionary in Peru and LBT’s Crossroads experience in Botswana, southern Africa) affirmed his missionary spirit and his call to cross cultural ministry.
Michael completed his Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Languages for Translation and Missions in 2014.  He is currently studying at the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistic in Dallas where he will complete his pre-field training for LBT ministry.
